25% of U.S. healthcare spending
is estimated to be

We can change that.

Click to See How  


We all know somebody that has experienced inefficient care due to lack of coordination... the anxiety and vulnerability it creates, along with financial strain.

That's why, at HNI, we're fostering a system that breaks this cycle. We're focused on creating value for all - patients, providers, payors, and hospitals alike.

Mike Gonzales, Founder and CEO of HNI Healthcare

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Access to Real-time Data

Informing Value-based Care Orchestration

In order to avoid overuse and utilize resources appropriately, physicians need access to real-time data that paints the proper picture of their patients' health and care journey.

Did you miss our recent webinar with Beckers Healthcare on healthcare waste? Check it out now to learn how to identify inefficiencies and navigate a system not ready to change.

Changing the Way Physicians Manage a Clinical Episode

Our proprietary technology, VitalsMD®, provides the critical insight you need to manage a clinical episode from a clinical, operational, and financial perspective.

Partnering for a Better Tomorrow

Patient care is at the heart of everything we do. Our solutions ensure that waste is taken out of the healthcare system, which creates a better patient experience and enables our partners to have the funds to bring meaningful value to their communities.

Health Equity and Leading with Compassion

We take a holistic approach to medicine and partner with the community to offer solutions that make a meaningful difference in our patients' lives. Learn more about our programs along the southern Texas border and how they identified and solved a crucial need in their community.

Imagine the impact you can make 
with the dollars saved.

HNI brings our hospital clients expertise in how to standardize care, reduce costs, transform culture, and improve outcomes. Use the tool below to estimate the financial impact that improving Length of Stay (LOS) can do for your hospital.

Total Annual Acute Admissions
Hospital Overall Length of Stay (LOS)
Hospital Geometric Mean Length of Stay (GMLOS)
GMLOS and LOS Variance1.2

Avoidable Days* Excess Based on GMLOS and LOS Variance


Reduction of Nurse Staffing Needs per Shift* Assuming a 6:1 Patient to Nurse Ratio


Estimated Cost Savings

$10,615,670 - $13,156,541

View Case Studies  

What is the HNI Difference?

"There's something different about HNI. HNI looks at our relationship as if they are 100% on our team."

Jeremy Normington-Slay
President and Chief Executive Officer
Firelands Regional Medical Center

"HNI is different. They truly are aligned partners with the vision of bringing value to healthcare."

Blain Claypool
Chief Operating Officer
HNI Healthcare

"I've never had a partner that doesn't feel like a third party. They just feel like they're a part of our team."

Clint Hauger
Behavioral Health Executive